
What are the Attributes of a C-R-A-C-K Tester?

The attributes of a C-R-A-C-K tester came to be as a response to a frequent question: "What do I look for in hiring a superstar tester on my team?" Often the context of this question had to do with people asking about what automation tools/skills are essential in hiring new testers. I was continually stymied by the question, but it helped me ponder what things really differentiate the superstar testers I've encountered in my career. What do they possess or demonstrate that seems to be missing from the staff tester that has become a commodity in the industry (replaceable by automation, outsourcing, or other forms of test executioners)? Surprise! The answers categorically are not related to their knowledge of automation tools! The many answers I came up with led me here ... to C-R-A-C-K. CRACK represents a subset of all the answers I came up with, and I chose them because I think they are the most broadly applicable and helpful of the bunch. Further, they are all similar in...